In the first part of this section, I covered a little extensively (I confess) the definition of the three basic objectives of the construction project of your house. Cost, Time and Quality are fundamental elements that we must keep in mind, as no one will be able to define them for us. After all, we know how much we want or can spend, when we want the project ready and the quality of it... If you think about these goals, they end up being your restrictions for your project. But we will continue to call them goals so as not to confuse you.
From here, and after having made the decision to move forward, the time has come to put your trust in the technicians who are qualified to help us. What technicians? What documents do I need to get started? These are the themes of the second part of this section “Housing Project”.
Before getting into the part of hiring and discretizing the technicians needed to continue your project, it is important to talk about the issue of the land where you will build your house.
There are two hypotheses:
You have land in your possession:
The acquisition of the same is not within the scope of this construction project of your house, so it will be expected that the area of the same and the conditions of the same have been taken into account in the definition of your idea, especially in terms of program, where you defined more at least the size of the house they intend to build.
No land:
The acquisition of land is one of the tasks that you have to include in your house project. In this case, it was possible for you, in defining your idea, to also take into account, especially in terms of cost, the size of the land you need to carry out your project. I won't go into the location of the land, as this is mainly a matter of taste, although it makes a big difference in the total costs of the project. After all, having a house by the sea or in the city center is not the same as having a house in a parish in the countryside.
So let's imagine from now on that we have our land acquired...
The time has come to define which projects and respective professionals will be needed so that I can start planning my idea. For those who haven't read the article I made about the vision of the project, we are at this stage entering the Planning stage of our Project.
According to the Municipal Chambers, the usual thing is that the following elements are required for the licensing of any housing construction project:
• Architectural Project - Architect
• Accessibility Project - Architect
• Exterior Arrangements Project - Architect
• Stability project that includes the excavation and peripheral containment
project - Civil Engineer
• Gas Installations Project - Engineer with the specific course
• Water and sewage network design - Civil Engineer
• Rainwater Project - Civil Engineer
• ITED Project (telephone and telecommunications installations) - Electrical
• Study of thermal behavior and energy pre-certificate - Engineer or Architect with the specific course
• Fire safety data sheet - Technician with the specific course
• Acoustic Conditioning Project - Civil Engineer
• Health and Safety Plan - Technician with the specific course
• Plan for the Prevention and Management of Construction and Demolition
Waste - Technician with the specific course
In conclusion, I would especially like that with this article, you would get to know the wide variety of knowledge that is needed to carry out all these projects. The team needed to carry out a construction project, in this case of a house, must be multidisciplinary and have the ability to work as a team, trying to make all these specialties compatible as much as possible so that the client obtains a quality product. Be aware and aware of the importance of having a good work team to develop your project!
More than complying with the law, these Projects aim to ensure compliance with many rules that ensure our comfort and the organization of our space and the space that surrounds us. It is important not to forget that we live in society and that we necessarily share various public services that guarantee us the basic resources of life, such as water and electricity. In addition to these services, it is essential that projects respect the constraints of the location of your land, such as the maximum number of floors in the house and their alignment, the percentage of area that can be built, the percentage of permeable area, among others...
All this, in order to understand that licensing exists to avoid disorganization, excessive and disorderly use of spaces and technical problems in the solutions provided. Licensing is also the document that holds the authors of the respective
projects responsible for the positive or negative results that may result from what was designed.
Is licensing enough to build my house?
Do I have to personally hire all those technicians to do my project?
Do I have to manage and make all those specialties compatible?
After that, am I in a position to proceed with the construction?
Is the licensing project sufficient to guarantee the success of my project? I will try to answer all these questions in the third part of this heading.
Until then, Good Projects to all! #MiguelÁvila